Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Reference checks and fingerprints!

We needed five names in total to give as references: a friend and family member for each of us, and a couple who knows both of us.

Everyone we chose jumped at the chance to help us out by filling out a questionnaire and sending it to our social worker, and we are so thankful to have such great friends and family that have helped us through one more step of the journey!

A local police and an RCMP check is also mandatory for all who wish to adopt. The local check was just a form, but the RCMP required our fingerprints and so we headed off to an agency to have this done.

I grew up in the 80s watching crime dramas when the innocent protagonist gets fingerprinted and you see the ink all over their hands. Alas, we are in the digital age, and so instead of an ink pad I was presented with a scanner. It was still really neat. The tech geek in me loves this kind of stuff!

First they took your hand and gently pressed your four fingertips down on your hand and captured those images. They then captured an image of just the thumb.

Then they took each finger and did a wide print: rolling your finger from one edge to the other (same as in the movies). The program them matches this wide print with the gently pressed print. If there are too many anomalies between the two, it will make the user scan the wide print again until there are fewer anomalies.

My left pinky kept giving us problems. I made a joke that if I ever committed a crime, I should only use that pinky. Finally it scanned with some anomalies, so it was flagged orange. Still useable and they assured me that the RCMP would not reject them for quality.

Next was J's turn. Right away there were issues! Almost every single print he did came back as having to repeat at least 4 times. Finally we managed to complete his digital prints, but out of 10 prints I think about 6 were red (acceptable but with many anomalies).

The agency thought it should be fine to send to the RCMP as is, but just in case, they decided to take a set of ink prints from him.

Small signs... check out the box of Pampers wipes in the corner!

Three more things checked off the list!